Monday, March 26, 2012

Multiselect problem

hi ,
following parameter @.a has multi values. but when i select the multi value it gives some error.
is this the correct method i use? and is there any differrent way that i should use in the report designer when i use the value of that parameter ... Field!a.value etc.?\

SET [FilteredBUList] AS descendants(strtoset(@.a),[Account—BillingCodeDsc].[Billing Code Description],leaves)

The descendants function expects a single member for the first parameter, to get this to work with mulitple parameters you would need to use the generate function. I'm not exactly sure what your structures look like so you will need to fill in the dimension and hierarchy of the members in @.a in the code below


SET [FilteredBUList] AS generate(strtoset(@.a), descendants(<dimension>.<hierarchy>.CurrentMember),[Account—BillingCodeDsc].[Billing Code Description],leaves)

|||cant use generate function like that. giving syntax error.|||Sorry, it's missing a closing bracket.|||that is fine. but how can i get only the selected value.


MEMBER [Measures].[Amount] AS 'IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Amount Usd]),0,[Measures].[Amount Usd])'
MEMBER [Measures].[Description] AS '[Ledger—AccountCode].CurrentMember.Name'

SET [FilteredBUList] AS generate(strtoset(@.BU),descendants([Account—BillingCodeDsc].CURRENTMEMBER,[Account—BillingCodeDsc].[Billing Code Description],leaves))

{[Measures].[Description],[Measures].[Amount]} ON COLUMNS,
[FilteredBUList] on rows

FROM Profitability

this is my mdx. so once i trying to get only selected values there is some error. i mean some times it will appear all the BU . sometime it will display only the first BU. how can i get only selected value to the report design.
|||hey darren
u knw how to solve following problem?

HI ,
how can i access the different dataset parameter in th SSRS. i have created one dataset and define Bu as a parameter. then i created separate dataset called dataset2 and need to access that BU parameter from dataset2. i cant access it using normal way. ex strtoset(@.Bu)..... ?

i need to access it thru the mdx query like...
set Angel as strtoset(@.BU) this bu is from some other dataset

lk_wick wrote:

that is fine. but how can i get only the selected value.


MEMBER [Measures].[Amount] AS 'IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Amount Usd]),0,[Measures].[Amount Usd])'
MEMBER [Measures].[Description] AS '[Ledger—AccountCode].CurrentMember.Name'

SET [FilteredBUList] AS generate(strtoset(@.BU),descendants([Account—BillingCodeDsc].CURRENTMEMBER,[Account—BillingCodeDsc].[Billing Code Description],leaves))

{[Measures].[Description],[Measures].[Amount]} ON COLUMNS,
[FilteredBUList] on rows

FROM Profitability

this is my mdx. so once i trying to get only selected values there is some error. i mean some times it will appear all the BU . sometime it will display only the first BU. how can i get only selected value to the report design.

If you want only the selected member(s) on the rows, then you would just put the parameter directly in the row axis.

Code Snippet


MEMBER [Measures].[Amount] AS 'IIF(ISEMPTY([Measures].[Amount Usd]),0,[Measures].[Amount Usd])'
MEMBER [Measures].[Description] AS '[Ledger—AccountCode].CurrentMember.Name'

{[Measures].[Description],[Measures].[Amount]} ON COLUMNS,
strtoset(@.BU) on rows

FROM Profitability

Also I would not do the "if empty return 0" logic in the MDX, if you are using Reporting Services, you can use a format string in the report to return 0 for null values. I often use format strings like "$0;($0);-;-" which returns negative values in brackets and 0 and null as dashes.|||

lk_wick wrote:

hey darren
u knw how to solve following problem?

HI ,
how can i access the different dataset parameter in th SSRS. i have created one dataset and define Bu as a parameter. then i created separate dataset called dataset2 and need to access that BU parameter from dataset2. i cant access it using normal way. ex strtoset(@.Bu)..... ?

i need to access it thru the mdx query like...
set as strtoset(@.BU) this bu is from some other dataset

Sorry, I don't really understand what you are trying to do.

|||i have created dataset1 and define the query parameter named bu. i have created another dataset and i need do access that bu parameter like following.

set [test ] as strtoset(@.BU) bu query parameter is in differrent datset.
|||Query parameters are fed from Report parameters, so you should be able to map both datasets to using the same report parameter.

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