Friday, March 30, 2012

Multi-value parameter dropdown horizontal scrollbar problem


I wonder if anyone ecountered (and successfully solved) the following problem:

I have a query-based multi-valued parameter (let's call it "A"). When query that populates the parameter returns only one value and that value is a long text, then it's almost impossible to select this value through the Report Manager UI. It's because the horizontal scrollbar covers the value.

For now I have found two workarounds to this problem:

1. Cut the lenght of the Parameter Label value (Instead of 'Large Power Transformer", I show "Large Power Tran...")

2. Make the label in the multi-value dropdown smaller by using custom style sheets for report manager. I added a "LABEL { font-size: 7pt; }" section to the Htmlviewer.css and modified the RSReportServer.config file to point to the Htmlviewer.css (for info on how to do this please see:

So far I am using the No 2. workaround. Any other suggestions on final solution to that matter would be highly appreciated.


This is a bug, which was fixed in SQL Server 2005 in a post-SP1 QFE, and in Visual Studio controls in VS 2005 SP1. The fix will also ship in the upcoming SQL Server 2005 SP2.

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