Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multi-Table Update?

Being an access guy, I am having a hard time understanding why I can't do a join statement on an UPDATE?

What is the alternatives??

I have to match two tables up and use records from one to update the other and creating a view isn't working...I would have suggested a view. What kind of problems are you getting with this approach? Are you trying to update a key value?|||
Another option is to use a stored procedure. You can update multiple tables, one after the other, using a stored procedure. Within the stored procedure you can use variables to hold values retrieved from one table and insert them into the next one.

|||you tend to lose update capabilities with a join when its a many to many join.

if your joining with a primary key it should work|||I'm going to have to learn some more about stored procedures because that would be excellent to do multiple updates like that..

Is there a code sample or link where I can learn more about doing the updates in that manor?

Probably your best bet is to find a good book on the topic. In the meantime, you can hava look at the books online:

You can also download some of theStarter Kits from this website for lots of great samples (see the tab above).

Hope this helps.

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