Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multitable Select

I have 2 tables involved in a select statement that I cannot figure out quite how to do.

Table 1- GroupedItems
int SharedId
int GroupId

Table 2- SharedItems
int SharedId
int ItemId

In Table 1 SharedId is unique
In Table 2 ItemId is unique

Table 1 represents all of a group's shared Items
Table 2 matches a group of Items to a common sharedId

Table 1
1 - 1
2 - 1
3 - 2

Table 2
1 - 1
1 - 2
2 - 3
2 - 4
3 - 5

What I am trying to do is have a select command where you would pass in a GroupId and it would select just one Item from table 2 for each SharedId

If you were to specify Group 1 you would Get
ItemIds 1 and 3 from Table 2, although its not needed that the results are the top items.

You can use something like this query in 2005 to get a unique set of items:

create table SharedItems
sharedId int,
itemId int primary key
insert into SharedItems
select 1,1
union all
select 1,2
union all
select 2,3
union all
select 2,4
union all
select 3,5

select sharedId, itemId
from ( select sharedId, itemId, row_number() over (partition by sharedId order by itemId) as rowNumber
from SharedItems ) as numbered
where numbered.rowNumber = 1

|||Thank you for your help.

This is exactley what I needed.|||

More straight forward way to write the query is to do below:

select s1.sharedId, s1.itemId
from SharedItems as s1
where s1.itemId = (select min(s2.itemId) from SharedItems as s2 where s2.sharedId = s1.sharedId)

And depending on your indexes/data this might give better performance than the ROW_NUMBER approach. For this particular example, the above approach will be twice as fast as the ROW_NUMBER approach. And if you have an index on say sharedId then the performance difference will be more significant.

|||True enough. I am always just a bit concerned about duplicate and ordering so I just defaulted to doing it that way. I should have thought about this better way since there is a single value to correlate with. Thanks!|||Thanks to both of you.

This approach looks a little more like what I was expecting, but I'm glad I was able to learn about the row numbersql

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