Friday, March 30, 2012

Multi-value parameter default values not working

I have a parameter that gets it's available values from a dataset.

I use this exact same data to populate the default values.

When I run the report, the available values get populated; however the default values are not being selected.

This works on other parameters on the same report. However, on this parameter, it is not working.

I have tried ltrim/rtrim (Been burned with that before when the field type is a char)

I change the data field in the query, without changing the parameter setup, and it works...

Here is my query:

Code Snippet

Select distinct

from dimHotel dH (NOLOCK)
Inner join factHotel fH (NOLOCK)
on dh.HotelKey = fH.HotelKey

Where dH.CityName <> ''
and dH.CityName is not null
and fH.ClientKey in (@.ClientID)

Order by CityName

The parameter is setup correctly, and matches the setup of another parameter on the same report that is working fine.

I have tried deleting the parameter and re-adding it. This did not work.

I also deleted and re-added the query. No luck.

Any ideas?



Ok, this is weird...

If I change the query to:

Code Snippet

Select distinct
Replace(CityName,'','') as CityName

It works fine.

If I do a lower or upper, it works fine.

Convert or l/rtrim do not work.

Anyone have any ideas?

At this point I am thinking that there is a character in one of the fields that shouldnt be in there... I am looking at that now.



Ok, it's an intermittent problem.

Sometimes the replace works, sometimes it doesn't.

Still trying to figure out why...

Does anyone know if there are any characters that could be in the data field, and prevent the default parameters from populating?



This same query populates a multi value drop down on a totally different report and it does not work there, either.

I am thinking it is data related.

Can anyone think of a reason why the multi select drop down would be populated, but the defaults not be set?

There are only 360 rows, so it's not a row number issue.

Any ideas would be very welcomed.



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