Friday, March 23, 2012



If the machine running SQL Express has multi-processors (2) - does it have an adverse affect on it's peformance, heavens forbid - do we need to make any settings changes via the Enterprise Manager tool ?


It should not have an adverse affect on perf, actually it should improve it as OS talks will hopefully get scheduled on the processor that SQL is not using.|||


Performance seems intermittent for some reason.

One thing I've noticed is how little memory it's using - only about 60 meg for a database of 300 + meg and a few users who are pretty active. The machine is a pretty fast beast with 1 gig ram.



Hmm that might be the OS not being as smart as we would like, you could try setting the processor affinity (if its supported in Express which I can't remember right now).

60 MB does seem a little low, I'm testing a new sample against adventureworks right now and its using 1.2GB on my desktop with a single user... The memory usage is very workload dependent. If perf does not become more predictable try posting back.

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