Friday, March 23, 2012

Multiplication Aggregate

Howdy folks. I have a question about how to go about creating a function that will return the multiplication aggregate over a row. Essentially I need this to function in the exact same was as the sum() function, but with multiplication instead. I've been struggling trying to create a UDF to do this for me, but I'm not having much luck. I would be amazed if this is not something somebody else has already done out of necessity. Any ideas?Maybe you can show what formula you want to apply?|||Ok, how about:

USE Northwind

CREATE FUNCTION udf_MULT (@.x float)
Returns float
DECLARE @.y float
SELECT @.y = @.x * 2


SELECT Freight, dbo.udf_MULT(Freight) FROM Orders
GO|||Brett, i don't think your udf_MULT is what Teddy wants

sample rows:

name value
foo 2
bar 4
qux 6
fap 8

select sum(value) from ... gives 20

select mult(value) from ..., assuming there were such an aggregate function as "mult()", would return 384

maybe a variation of that routine written up in that sqlteam article using coalesce to produce a comma-delimited list?

rudy|||You mean like:

USE Northwind

DECLARE @.x money
SELECT @.x = ISNULL(@.x,1) + Freight FROM Orders

I added them because of overflow...but you could use * instead...|||mmm, i love overflow

perhaps that's why "mult()" was never invented -- too easy to blow up the query real good

:)|||Add for the +, the ISNULL value should be 0, not 1...1 For Multiplication cup runneth over with a flaming homer...or was that a flaming moe...

Hey...seeing it in type...

Noooow I get it...

Great episode...

Got to pick me up some cough medice on the way home...|||Thanks for the reply guys!!

I've been a bit busy with the holiday so I haven't had much time to make my rounds here. So far I've learned that this essentially is not possible with anything other then ints without a udf. Currently I'm searching for a udf that will do this for me, as I am not terribly familiar with coding them myself. Perhaps it's time to up the learning curve eh?|||a MULT function for varchar?

Hmmmm, now you've got me TOTALLY lost...

What exactly are you trying to do?|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
a MULT function for varchar?

Hmmmm, now you've got me TOTALLY lost...

What exactly are you trying to do?

Not for varchar, float. The closest I've found so far is sort of a bizarre workaround that doesn't seem to work properly over large recordsets:

EXP(SUM(LOG(value)))|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
What exactly are you trying to do?

Do you mean like what r937 said?

You can't (to my knowledge) create a user defined scalar function...

But you can employ the other method I posted

DECLARE @.x bigint
SELECT @.x = @.x + floatColumn FROM Table

Is that what you're trying to do? Multiply all the numbers in 1 column?|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
Do you mean like what r937 said?

You can't (to my knowledge) create a user defined scalar function...

But you can employ the other method I posted

DECLARE @.x bigint
SELECT @.x = @.x + floatColumn FROM Table

Is that what you're trying to do? Multiply all the numbers in 1 column?

That appears to be returning null. Does the select @.x = iterate through the entire recordset? I'm a bit new with variable usage in the queries themselves. Generally I would do this sort of thing at the application level with my front-end.|||Give this a read...|||That appears to be returning nullhence the need for the COALESCE

and yes, you did mention this earlier, brett, but it's worth repeating -- 0 for addition, 1 for multiplication

:D|||Originally posted by r937
hence the need for the COALESCE

and yes, you did mention this earlier, brett, but it's worth repeating -- 0 for addition, 1 for multiplication


Ok, I'm think I'm getting on the right track, but I am still not quite getting what I need. Currently I am using:


SELECT @.x = COALESCE(@.x, 1) * myField
FROM myTable


That is now returning 0.0 Oddly enough, if I use + instead of *, I return the same as SUM() + 1. So it does appear to function exactly as expected when applied to addition (the +1 is the result of using 0 as opposed to 1 for the null return), I'm still a bit stumped as to why it returns zero for multiplication. What am I overlooking?|||overlooking? probably precision and/or scale (i can never remember which is which)


SELECT @.x = COALESCE(@.x, 1.000000000) * myField|||Originally posted by r937
overlooking? probably precision and/or scale (i can never remember which is which)


SELECT @.x = COALESCE(@.x, 1.000000000) * myField

The issue was an overflow error. I ran the same syntax over a much smaller dataset and produced the desired result.

Thanks a bunch guys!!

This is at least enough to get me over the "how the hell..." hump that everyone hits once in a while.

Much obliged.|||And just for another twist...what if 1 of your rows has a 0

Come on...


Tell us this is more than an academic exercise...because I can't think of a practical application at all...|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
And just for another twist...what if 1 of your rows has a 0

Come on...


Tell us this is more than an academic exercise...because I can't think of a practical application at all...

The practical application is to a series of modifiers to an insurance quote. If one of them is zero, then the quote is free. I doubt that will happen.

:)|||So you have a very specific predicate...the many modifiers per quote on average?

...and if it can happen it will happen...just a matter of time...

CREATE TABLE myTable99 (Col1 int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT myTable99_chk1 CHECK (Col1 <> 0))|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
So you have a very specific predicate...the many modifiers per quote on average?

...and if it can happen it will happen...just a matter of time...

CREATE TABLE myTable99 (Col1 int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT myTable99_chk1 CHECK (Col1 <> 0))

approx 7-8 modifiers per quote. The mods tend to be in the .75 - 1.5 range. And it will never be 0. Not unless the chairman of the board owes someone a serious favor. In which case, that's really not my problem to begin with.

The issue is the varying number of modfiers for each quote. Some will only have one, some will have 8. That's why this mult function comes in handy. This is fairly easy to do client-side, but for some reason is murderous to do in sql until this morning.|||So you would check to see if the result of this multiplier function is zero, and then act accordingly?

There are other methods that might work. For instance:

select min(Abs(YourColumn))

...would return zero if any of the values is zero.

blindman|||...and you can include this directly in a calculation:

Cost * cast(cast(min(Abs(YourColumn)) as bit) as int)

...would result in a cost of $0 if any of the multipliers is zero.

blindman|||Originally posted by blindman
...and you can include this directly in a calculation:

Cost * cast(cast(min(Abs(YourColumn)) as bit) as int)

...would result in a cost of $0 if any of the multipliers is zero.


That's really not an issue. This is well and solved.

Anywho, the current method would return 0 as-is.|||Originally posted by Teddy
Not for varchar, float. The closest I've found so far is sort of a bizarre workaround that doesn't seem to work properly over large recordsets:


I do like the workaround solution. Could you tell me what do you mean by "doesn't seem to work properly over large recordsets"? Is it the overflow problem? I tested it on a table of 4000 records, the results is as expected.|||Originally posted by shianmiin
I do like the workaround solution. Could you tell me what do you mean by "doesn't seem to work properly over large recordsets"? Is it the overflow problem?

edit: read that wrong.

I'm not sure what the issue is. It returns nothing at all when I use a large set. Very odd.|||Originally posted by Teddy
edit: read that wrong.

I'm not sure what the issue is. It returns nothing at all when I use a large set. Very odd.

for actual cases, i.e.

approx 7-8 modifiers per quote. The mods tend to be in the .75 - 1.5 range. And it will never be 0. Not unless the chairman of the board owes someone a serious favor.

I think this would be a best solution to me. :)

when min(isnull(f1, 0))=0 then 0
else exp(sum(log(isnull(case when f1=0 then 1 else f1 end,1))))
from t1

The query posted handles zero and null value correctly.
And I don't think overflow would be a problem.
(There shouldn't be negative values in the table, if it is, you need to add some code to handle it properly)|||The issue is:

USE Northwind

SELECT @.x = 1
--Wont Blow Up
SELECT @.x = @.x * ISNULL(EmployeeId,1)
FROM Orders
WHERE EmployeeId = 1
--Will Blow Up
SELECT @.x = 1
SELECT @.x = @.x * ISNULL(EmployeeId,1)
FROM Orders
WHERE EmployeeId = 2

--The error should read:
-- Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 11
-- Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type bigint.

In any event, error checking is a must...for all code...|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
The issue is:

USE Northwind

SELECT @.x = 1
--Wont Blow Up
SELECT @.x = @.x * ISNULL(EmployeeId,1)
FROM Orders
WHERE EmployeeId = 1
--Will Blow Up
SELECT @.x = 1
SELECT @.x = @.x * ISNULL(EmployeeId,1)
FROM Orders
WHERE EmployeeId = 2

--The error should read:
-- Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 11
-- Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type bigint.

In any event, error checking is a must...for all code...

Since the query returns float, the range would be - 1.79E + 308 through 1.79E + 308, that's what I meant that overflow shouldn't be a problem for actual situration. To prevent errors of overflow, the query may check the value before applying EXP(), that would be something like

when sum(log(...)) > 307 then ... -- overflow
when sum(log(...)) < -307 then ... -- underflow
else exp(sum(log(...)))
end|||Ahhh proactive error handling...very nice...

just watch...the [banging head]overhead[/banging head] for some statements...|||Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
Ahhh proactive error handling...very nice...

just watch...the [banging head]overhead[/banging head] for some statements...

I agree that the overhead should be considered. Normally procedural statements have more control over what needs to be done while combination of functions tends to make code look neat. Which choice to go would depends on actual siturations. :)

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