Friday, March 23, 2012

Multiple/Duplicate SQL Server Worker Processes

I don't even know where to begin looking... I have a page that loads multiple web user controls...
I know I use one connection object class that is used in all my objects when executing the query (calling Stored Procedures).
The problem is when the first page is rendered and each user control queries the database (SQL Server),
it eventually slows down. In my controls, I use a lot of repeaters and internal queries per each repeater item.
So I know it hits the database quite often.
Problem is when I look in SQL Server Enterprise Manager Process Info, I have multiple worker processes sleeping.
My first thought is is creating a new session connection (process) to the SQL Server? Why? How?
What do I do to check either my code is creating the connection object properly. Thanks!
I have discovered, when I created my connection object for ExecuteNonQuery(), I forgot to Close() the connection.
Since I didn't close the connection object when I was finished... anda few new instances of the connection object was created, it created anew connection object.
In other functions, I was using the DataAdapter which opened and closedthe connection for you, so I took that feature for granted andcompletely forgot to close the connection object when doing aExecuteNonQuery().
I get a doht for the day...
Thanks for taking your time in reading...

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