Saturday, February 25, 2012

Multiple Selections and MDX

I am creating a report that the user wants to have mulitple parameters
but I am querying an OLAP Cube. Is there a way of building a query on
the fly depending on users selection. Fopr example in SQL you could say
"IN (Parameters!MyParam.Value)" is it possible to do something like
this in MDX or do I just have to query everything and filder using the
Report Parameter
Thanks in advance
DenverYes, you can do this pretty much the way you described. You're
building a string which is the mdx query and adding the parameters as
you do this. Can't remember the exact syntax I used, but it amounts
"mdx_part1" + Parameters!MyParam.Value + "mdx_part2"|||How will this work for multiple selections?

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