Saturday, February 25, 2012

multiple select in one sp

I was wondering if it's possible to have a stored procedure that hastwo(or more) select statements which you can combine as a single result set.I am not able to use union as my select returns different number of columns.My selects are like this,This example is using only two table but i can have more then 2 tables in situation..

ELECT SUM(col1) AS sumcol1
FROM tbl1
WHERE (ID = @.para1')

SELECT SUM(col1) AS sumcol1, SUM(col2) AS sumcol2, SUM(col3)
AS sumcol3, SUM(col4) AS sumcol1
FROM tbl2
WHERE (id = @.para1).


Sure you can. Each resultset will form a new DataTable in a DataSet, or if you are using a DataReader, you can access each resultset in turn by calling the DataReader.NextResult() method. Bear in mind that this won't work with a SqlDataSource control. It is only capable of filling one DataTable. I forget whether it keeps just the first resultset or the last one.



Sure you can. Each resultset will form a new DataTable in a DataSet, or if you are using a DataReader, you can access each resultset in turn by calling the DataReader.NextResult() method. Bear in mind that this won't work with a SqlDataSource control. It is only capable of filling one DataTable. I forget whether it keeps just the first resultset or the last one.

Technically speaking, the method you propose returns two separate result sets.

Both can be accessed from C#/VB, but they are separate result sets.

If a single result set is needed, then pad out the two queries with innocuous (sp?) dummy columns and union all them together.


david wendelken:


Sure you can. Each resultset will form a new DataTable in a DataSet, or if you are using a DataReader, you can access each resultset in turn by calling the DataReader.NextResult() method. Bear in mind that this won't work with a SqlDataSource control. It is only capable of filling one DataTable. I forget whether it keeps just the first resultset or the last one.

Technically speaking, the method you propose returns two separate result sets.

That's right. That's because I thought that was what the questioner wanted. Now I've re-read the original question, I can see it isn't.



Thanks David,i got what you are saying but how do you dummy out the columns?Sorry, for these lame questions...



Thanks David,i got what you are saying but how do you dummy out the columns?Sorry, for these lame questions...

cast(null as int) as dummy_int
cast(null as varchar(6)) as dummy_varchar6

or just use 0 or '' if zero or an empty space works better for you


Thanks David,it works

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