Saturday, February 25, 2012

Multiple select and sum expressions on the same table SQL…?

Little complex but I'll try to explain the best I can
I have the following table…









I want to pull out the data to show the sum of the totals for each year the user is in. The idea is to then be able to see a comparison for year on year on a month by month basis






There would be no data returned for UserID2 for month 6 as there is no data for them for year 5 month 6 therefore no comparison can be made.

I've having real difficulty getting the correct SQL syntax to do this. Any ideas or pointers would be great thanks

Thebest, most scalable way to do this would be to aggregate by month and year, and let the client-side code calculate the comparisons. So a simple:
SELECT UserID, Year, Month, SUM(A1 + A2) AS TotalA, SUM(B1 + B2) AS TotalB
FROM Table
GROUP BY UserID, Month, Year
Youcould pivot the data out, but you would need to go in and change the code with each new year that you add, and it would quickly become cumbersome...

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